Monday, June 13, 2011


Dears Readers,
                       Today when I observe the  psychology patients that have come to me for treatment or any lay man in that matter, I see that people have become very medicine dependent. They are habituated to popping pills for minor ailments. e.g Taking pain killers for low back ache, neck pain, etc. But what they don't think of is the side effects of taking such medicines over a period of time.
                          But what i would like to advise such people is to "POP AN EXERCISE PILL EVERYDAY RATHER THAN POPPING SUCH PILLS".

So go ahead grab your sport shoes & wear those exercise clothes & exercise everyday!! Or join your favourite sport & enjoy your workout!

**Its better to meet a qualified therapist/trainer before you start your exercises for better & safe results!!

Have a fun workout,
Dr.Rhutuja A. Kudalkar,
Consulting Physiotherapist.
Specialist in Manual Therapy & Women's Health.